The true-color of this is a little less yellowish, but still, one of my favorite non-lime shades of green. The pattern on this is interesting enough after working on many things of just plan stocking net stitch, yet easy enough that I had the patterns memorized on day one. I think if I could stay focused on this, I could have the whole cardigan finished by the end of the month.
But, I'm weak and gave into temptation. I've cast on for Aeolian after all. I did decide to stick with stash yarn, and used the Valley Yarns Alpaca Silk in Mulberry that Steve gave me for Christmas a few years ago. Friday afternoon I braved our torrential downpour and went shopping for beads. I found some 10/1 beads that I think look great with the yarn.

I love the look of beaded lace. In the last few years, I have started so many beaded lace projects, Swan Lake, Moroccan Days, MS4. Yep, I started them all. And got less than 1/4 of the way through before I decided I hated everything about beaded lace, epically getting the beads on the lace. Its a royal pain in the ass.
Last night, on my 3rd repeat of the Yucca chart, I got to that point again, broke the yarn, put it in my 'trash cup' I'd been using for beads that refused to be knit, and re-cast on without beads.
I didn't get past the set-up chart before I realized that the beads were a part of this shawl, weather I liked it or not. So, I dug the previously knit part out of 'time out', to see if was savable. It was, and is back on the needles.

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